Lamborghini LP560-4

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Long time no post!So far i've quit blogger for quite awhile but i decided to join again.I made another blogspot called its actually my youtube account go check it out k?well days are getting kinda boring some times..i just dont know why.But when its holiday it is superb fun! I love holidays! I should deserve the holiday cause i got a very tough and busy week so far.Do you guys still use blogspot?if u do then cool!Well i to but not always cause as i was saying days are getting boring sometimes and what i mean by that is there is nothing much and always got nothing to do but stare at the computer and listen to westlife i lay my love on you and more.I also feel that sometimes computer are boring.It's like i play all the game i know already and then what i do at my com is just facebookING haha...well anyways have a great day! :D

Lots of love,

Zfadlipro your hero - 11:10 PM;

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Today i didn't come to school cause yesterday the basketball landed on my fingers just right on the tip and it kinda well push my finger inside and now it's that i think kinda broke but it's ok getting better..i can't write...and yesterday i didn't bought my camera because of my cousin they just came and spoiled the fun...well after that today my mom bring me to Courts and bought my camera for $298 i took out $220 and the rest she sponsor.. actually it should be $254 but then we do something we talk about my camera all well a lot it's $298..Anyways she also treat me a Mac Donald so nice!and behind me was a lot of old nyonya and guess what!i ate double cheeseburger,chicken mac nugget and also bubble tea but they all eat like mega mac spicy..mac spicy,ice cream,mega mac and more!!and well my camera brand is ah erm..Nikon Coolpix at 12noon,we went home.I test my camera and it's so cool!Nikon D60 is 10.2megapixel but mine is 10megapixel!!I got free mini tripod and a screen protector...also some things for cleaning the camera..they gave me 8GB!!!I was shock!!I also got free disc...hihi...i should have a pouch for free but they forgotten to give..and well i'm so happy..but then i gotta charge my camera..oh ya camera use a rechargeable battery..and for the first charge i gotta charge it for 8hours!!now i'm charging it..well anyways i gotta go put icepack on my hand...well bye!

Lots of love,

Zfadlipro your hero - 9:31 PM;

Saturday, October 31, 2009


I just have 1k in bank which is 1000,00 and then took out 300$to buy camera and also for Kota Kinabalu...Tomorrow my father decided to take us to shopping mall and check out the cameras!Can't wait!!I'm so happy.
Why i wanted to buy camera:
  1. I want to..
  2. I want to test my skills
  3. I wanna take pic in Kota Kinabalu cause it's for:
  • Memories
  • We are gonna hike a mountain at 3am and reach there b4 sunrise..and there i can take pics...

I can't wait!!

Zfadlipro your hero - 12:13 AM;

Friday, October 30, 2009

Well Mdm Mas has a chat time on Sat at 2pm..i'll join..then we got a sociel studies project and my team haven't completed it yet!ergghh...but well after that going Kota it!!gonna put pics...and if you guys got facebook,add me just put my email bye then!

Zfadlipro your hero - 7:18 AM;

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dear friends,

I just finished exam!!yay!I have my freedom now!!hihi!!!Hey guess what..After i finish my exam!i gotta meet my teacher..My favourite teacher from university..i'm not sure what is she doing there but no matter what..i love it!well i kinda miss her alot!!And well i was from downstairs at the backgate just walking around when i saw her...she was at lvl first i didn't
Recognize (not sure about spelling)her..then i saw her waving so i kept on saying is it Mdm Mas? like 6 times!so i ran from where i am standing to lvl 3 and saw her..she waving to me and i noe 100% that was her!i talked to her and she gave me one chocolate was deicious!well that's all i wanna share byez!

Zfadlipro your hero - 11:32 PM;

Thursday, October 15, 2009


My bro says he is staying up late at i did too to at least be with him but instead he slept first..and left with me and his good friend(Syazwan)'s past 1am and we are still chatting so far...hihi we can't last long...And today i have a bad thing that happen on my enemy(and he's name is starting with D) is my partner!!There's a reason why but i wont tell..the guy thoughts that i am his fren but for me he is my worst enemy.well i came home at 6pm.Wow tired.(tired but still can stay up late at night)I came home did a few pages of homework and then stopped..Next week i won't be scooling at all woohoo!!One week holiday!!Monday=Deepavali holiday,The rest of the days = PSLE Marking.woohoo!but after that exam :'(......and well i am also sad Hari Raya gonna end..not fair hari raya got exam....not fun ehk..anyways that's all i wanna say bye!!

Zfadlipro your hero - 10:47 AM;

Wow i regret saying whenever i do something correct it's wrong..It's good!!check out you cna check the year the month everything it's so cool!!!i didn't realize that!!!wow!hmm..anyways i have this blog to share my secrets but mostly i cant....the reason why is cause it's a well check out my vids at youtube... check it out..if it's stupid then :'( Well tomorrow i gonna spend about more then $40 for bowling but who cares and anyways nothing much to say byes!

Zfadlipro your hero - 7:59 AM;

Hey ppl!I want to have a good life and leave with my family forever till the end of time...My ambition is to be a Technology guy..even if i'm not sure what is it but still i'll try..


Muhd Zulfadli

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